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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Operation: L.O.V.E.

    I've always highly enjoyed playing with Joseph.  I think it's mainly because I love hearing him laugh. His laugh is by far the most glorious thing my ears have ever heard. When he laughs it's like everything is instantly right in the world.  [[Oh, and by the way the smile that accompanies that laugh is absolutely contagious.]] I do obscene things such as flushing the toilet when he's in the shower.. dancing in the car.. playing airplane.. or even completing a flying leap onto his back when I'm in desperate need for a piggy back ride.  His squeals of delight absolutely warms my soul and is the primary indication that I have succeeded in my conquest. What is this conquest you might ask?  Well it's quite simple really.  The object of my mission is to light up his life as much as he has lit up mine. To love him so much that he never has to feel empty again. To make him laugh until he's out of breath and smile until his face hurts.  He has been the biggest blessing that I have ever received...[[and that is an understatement]]

    He arrived at a moment in time when I was bruised and broken and showed me what it felt like to be loved unconditionally.  Through time..patience..and lots and lots of love.. he slowly repaired everything that was broken.  He put me together again and showed me a type of love that I had only dreamed of.  He is my best friend, my confidant, my biggest supporter and the best personal pillow a girl could ask for. :) This is just a summary of things and I'm sure that as time goes on, I'll go into more detail about my life before... my life with Joseph..and a glimpse into the dreams of our future together.

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