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Friday, August 12, 2011

Egg retrieval/ Fert Report

Yesterday they retrieved 30 eggs!  Then today I got my fertilization report........  24 out of the 30 fertilized.. so we currently have 24 embryos!!!!!!!!!!!  Yay. I am so excited.  We did our first Progesterone in Oil shot last night and it was super easy.  I definitely think that a lot of this stuff is mind over matter.  I can't believe we're almost done with our cycle.  Soon we'll be waiting to find out if we're pregnant or not!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear Trigger Shot. I kicked your ass.

   Today we got the go ahead from Dr. A to trigger (Novarel) tonight 9:45 pm.  Our embryo transfer will be at 9:45 on Thursday morning.  (I am supposed to arrive there at 8:30)  I am getting super excited! SO far it looks like we have 24 FAT possible eggies. I was kind of concerned about the trigger shot but with me and Joseph working as a team... we totally nailed it.  GO US!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Emotions. Day 5 of Stims.

    Today is my day 5 of stims. (Gonal-F, Menopur) I have gotten a tad emotional this week here and there but today I think was the worst so far. Hubby got another job so I am super proud of him. I reminded him that I need him to come to all of my appointments with me to see our fertility Dr. He said he would do his best. For some reason today that answer wasn't good enough for me. hahahahahaha. I got really emotional and literally pouted for awhile. That's ok tho.  I just feel very strongly about doing all of the steps of the IVF process together.  I think the sense of support brings a lot more calmness to the situation. I mean afterall when two people make a baby, they do it together right? HAHAHAH.  Hey.. you know it's a valid point!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Baseline Ultrasound. 28 Follies!!!!

    Today we had our first ultrasound to monitor my ovaries for our IVF cycle.  My dr. said that on the screen my ovaries and follicles should resemble "swiss cheese."  Well, he said that I have some good swiss cheese! lol! My ovaries look to each have 14 follicles.  So thats 28 possible "future eggs."  The Dr. said that those are amazing numbers and that I am responding well to treatment. That most women would kill to have half of those numbers. :) I am just beaming with excitement. He was very pleased to see Joseph there as well. (Joseph goes to all of my fertility apointments.)  He gave us a nice little talk about how the husbands that come to 50% or more of their wives fertility appointments, tend to be better fathers.  Basically saying that they are more dedicated partners and in-turn more dedicated fathers.  Makes sense to me!  My estrogen levels also came back below 20, which is exactly where they want it. So because of that we get to move forward to our next level of treatment! So now all I have to do is wait for about 7pm and then I get to start my stimulation medications!!!  (Menopur, Gonal-F) I am pretty excited.  I have heard that the Menopur tends to sting/burn a bit.. so this should be interesting. We are just staying super positive and I think that by doing that, it is helping my body to respond in the same way. It's hard to believe that on the 22nd/23rd of July our baby should have been born.  It was during that same time that I started my IVF injections for this cycle. Kind of funny how that works isn't it?  I like to think of it as God saying.. "Hey, I know this might be a sad time for you.. but I promise there is something BEAUTIFUL getting ready to come out of this."  It's a one door closing and another one opening kinda thing.

This is basically the "swiss cheese" type thing that was shown to us. This isn't a picture of my follicles but it is a good example as to what I am talking about.